Drinking equipment should be selected according to the age of the chicken. Small chicks should use a tower-shaped vacuum waterer, and chickens can use water basins or sinks. (1) Tower-shaped vacuum waterer. The waterer consists of a water bowl and a water tray. The top of the water bowl is tapered to prevent chicks from standing on the top. The top and side walls of the cylinder must not leak. The size of the chassis has to be selected according to the size of the chicken. The chicken can only be allowed to drink water and the chicken cannot stand in the water. There are two round holes in the bottom of the cylinder. The holes can not be located higher than the top edge of the disk to prevent water from spilling out of the chassis. The structure of this drinking fountain is simpler and it is easy to clean and disinfect. (2) Tower crane drinking fountains. It is suitable for large-scale plane breeding and can maintain clean water quality. The supply of water is regulated by the drinker itself. The upper end is connected to the water pipe. When there is little water, the drinking fountain is light, the spring can open the inlet gate and the water flows out; when the water weight reaches the limit, the water flow stops. (3) "V" shaped sink. It can be made of galvanized iron, cement, bamboo rafts, etc. When used, it should be fixed to prevent chickens from stepping over. When using this kind of sink, the chicken throws water out when drinking water, it is easy to wet the litter, and it is not easy to wash.
Goji Berry ( [Goji" means [happy") , also called wolfberry, has been used for thousands of years by herbalists in China to protect the liver, help eyesight, boost immune function, improve circulation, and promote longevity and overall well being. It has only recently gained popularity in the west, it has become so polar, in fact, the Time Magazine recently named the Goji berry as [super-fruit" of the year. A big reason why Goji berries have quickly become a favorite nutritional supplement is that its impressive list of ingredients. The Goji berry, also called the wolfberry, is a bright purplish red or purple red berry that comes from a shrub that is native to China. In Asia, goji berries have been eaten for generation in the hope of living longer.
Bulk Goji Berry,Dried Bulk Goji Berry,Organic Bulk Goji Berry,Bulk Wolfberry