British "Nature" recently published a cancer research online, and European scientists have developed a new machine learning program that can improve the diagnosis of brain tumors through DNA methylation data - "methylated fingerprint" technology.
Proper diagnosis of cancer is critical to the treatment of cancer. However, among the approximately 100 known tumors, central nervous system tumors are particularly difficult to accurately identify.
To solve this problem, the German Cancer Research Center scientist Stefan Pfister and colleagues developed a machine learning program that classifies methylation data. Methylation is the process by which methyl molecules attach to DNA to alter the availability of information within the DNA. Not only does this process naturally occur during normal cell function, giving each cell a unique "methylation fingerprint" that also occurs in diseases such as cancer. Thus, methylation can reveal information about the type of tumor and "tell" people what types of cells these tumors are formed from.
After the training program developed by the research team, "methylation fingerprints" can be used to identify 91 tumors. The reference data used in the training came from approximately 2,800 cancer patients. The researchers tested 1104 cases of central nervous system tumors that had been manually examined, and concluded that the program not only improved diagnostic accuracy, but also made it possible to identify new rare tumors – manual inspections. There will be pressure to diagnose based on known tumor types, even in atypical cases.
In order to make this new method widely used, the research team generated a free online tool to analyze the uploaded data in a few minutes. Since its launch, the tool has been used more than 4,500 times and users have the option to share their data to further optimize the algorithm. The researchers concluded that integrating "methylated fingerprints" with brain tumor auto-classifiers can also provide a blueprint for creating similar tumor classification algorithms for diagnosing more cancer types. (Technology Daily)
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