The prospect of new drug-like cells is gratifying

The prospect of new drug-like cells is gratifying

June 19, 2019 Source: Chinese Journal of Science

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WASHINGTON sickle cell anemia affects the health of more than 100,000 Americans, the millions of patients around the world. This hereditary disease causes red, viscous, deformed forms of red blood cells that prevent red blood cells from delivering oxygen to the body.

STAT reports that a new drug called "voxelotor" may change this condition. In the third phase of the clinical trial, it increased hemoglobin levels compared to placebo. Although some experts believe that the new drug treatment is slow, the drug's research and development company said it will help patients reduce the risk of stroke and organ failure if approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. (谷双双)

Chinese Journal of Science and Technology (2019-06-18 2nd Edition International)

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