Prevention of constipation diet

Constipation not only causes physical pain during excretion, but also directly harms the body's health. It is one of the important factors that cause myocardial infarction and cerebral hemorrhage. Experts point out that changing life and eating habits is the fundamental solution to prevent and treat constipation.

l, intake of 2030 grams of dietary fiber daily

Insoluble dietary fiber has a strong absorption of water, absorbs wastes, moisture, and carcinogens in the large intestine, expands like a sponge, and promotes the formation of soft stools.

Eat less refined white rice and refined white flour, eat more brown rice and germ rice, and corn, millet, barley, wheat bran (rice bran) and wheat flour (black bread material), etc.; In addition, food fiber in root vegetables and seaweed Many, such as burdock, carrots, green beans, red beans, peas, potatoes and wakame.

2, drink water early in the morning

After getting up in the morning, drink 2 cups of clear water (about 500 ml). At this point, 80% of the water that is consumed is absorbed by the small intestine and 10% is absorbed by the large intestine, which effectively promotes bowel movement. People who do not like drinking clear water can also try milk, juice, and other beverages with good taste and high moisture content. In addition, cold water is more irritating to the intestines and therefore also contributes to smooth bowel movements.

3, eat apples

Experiments have shown that apple pectin can increase lactic acid bacteria in the intestines and therefore can clean the intestinal tract. Apples contain water-soluble fiber, commonly known as pectin, which has a strong water-holding capacity and can absorb up to 30 times the weight of the fiber itself. Pectin is mostly concentrated in the skin, as well as the part of the pulp and the skin. Therefore, when constipation, you may wish to eat unpeeled apples.

4, drink yogurt

The lactic acid bacteria used in the production of yoghurt can promote the proliferation of beneficial lactobacilli in the large intestine and inhibit the propagation of harmful bacteria. At the same time, lactic acid bacteria have the effect of improving immunity and bactericidal action, making E. coli difficult to reproduce.

The lactic acid bacteria contained in yogurt do not last long, so you should drink a cup of yogurt every day. There are also special yoghurt and lactic acid beverages for Lactobacillus on the market. The effect of such foods on excretion is better.

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