In China, there are more than 270 sets of fully-automatic processing units of Porphyra yezoensis Ueda dried laver, and the annual processing capacity of dry laver is nearly 3 billion. Dry seaweed processing is also called one-time processing. The currently used processing machines mainly include NH. -6 type (double-layer drying), NH-8 type, NS-6 type (single-layer drying), NS-6 extended type and a small number of other types of units, of which the imported units account for more than 80%. The level of dry seaweed processing determines the quality of dried laver and has a great impact on prices. In Japan, the difference between the highest price and the lowest price is more than ten times. To improve the quality of dried laver and increase product efficiency, every link from the original species selection, nursery management, offshore cultivation to indoor processing must be closely linked. The quality of laver is mainly based on seed cultivation and marine management, but the importance of indoor processing accounts for more than one-third of the entire management process. 1 The processing of raw algae and chopped seaweed begins with the recovery of raw algae. The processing flow of algae is: harvesting of algae → transport and storage cleaning → chopping and washing → pouring cakes (dish cooking). The following describes the operation of each part. 1.1 Harvest of protozoa The harvest of prototheca must be based on the growth of seaweed and it is best to harvest it in the early evening when seaweed undergoes photosynthesis, leaf growth, cell enrichment, nutrient composition, and early photosynthesis. Product savings are the most. Long-seasoned seaweed grows thicker and harder due to advanced fiber, which can cause the quality of seaweed to decline. 1.2 Purification of phytoplankton The phytoplankton must be washed to remove debris such as diatoms and muddy sand. There are more diatoms attached to floating-breeding laver, and there are more phycoliths in the intertidal zone. Diatoms are not cleaned cleanly, the glossiness of dried laver is not good (small white spots are visible), and the algae is deteriorated quickly, and it is easy to cause difficulties in peeling vegetables or even to break the vegetables. 1.3 The size (fineness) of a vegetable dish is closely related to the softness and the solubility (mouthfeel) of dried nori. The improper matching of blade and hole tray of the vegetable cutter and the dullness of the blade will cause damage to the leaves, increase of dead cells, white lines appearing in dried laver, etc.; the size of the cutting dish (the size of the orifice) is inversely proportional to the dehydration effect and the adhesion of the curtain. , is proportional to the brightness of seaweed. 1.4 Cleaning the vegetable when it is washed is not only an effective means to remove the salt content of the dried vegetable, but also an important method to improve the quality of the laver. The test showed that the dryness of the dried seaweed was best when the two vegetables were washed for 5 minutes with a water consumption of 55 L/min and the water consumption of 120 L/min with a four-leaf vegetable was cleaned for about 10 minutes. 1.5 The temperature of cooking water used for seaweed has poor adaptability to fresh water. After soaking in fresh water, changes in osmotic pressure cause dissolved components (glutamic acid, etc.), water-soluble pigments, etc. to be dissolved and separated, so that the cooking water is discolored. The water quality of the raw algae is reduced, especially the water temperature is too high, and the phycoerythrin of the algae is easily dissolved out. The test shows that the temperature of cooking water is preferably 8-10 °C. 1.6 Measure the salinity of water for vegetable dishes The salt content of vegetable water is too low, and other ingredients in the vegetable are dissolved, resulting in a decrease in quality. If it is too high, dry seaweed shrinks and discolors, and it is difficult to store it for a long time. The test showed that the salt content of dried laver was o. 7%-2% is appropriate. 1.7 Effect of different harvesting periods on the quality of 1000 laver quality After the number of harvesting increases, the concentration of prototheca algae in dried laver grows gradually. The total number of laminae per head is about 20-25 layers, and the number of 4-leaf vegetables rises. The layer is only 10-15 layers. The vegetables harvested for the first time are extremely soft. As the number of harvests increases, the luster, total pigment, and taste of the seaweed are gradually reduced. With the increase in the number of harvest, the dehydration effect becomes better. The current dryers all use squeezed dehydration, and the water is squeezed out along the longitudinal section where the seaweed is cut by a kitchen knife. Therefore, the dewatering effect is closely related to the thickness of the leaves, the size of the cut vegetables, and the like. With the increase in the number of harvesting, the drying effect becomes better. 2 Drying 2.1 Drying process: Take a note of the dish (watering cake) → Dehydration → Drying → Stripping vegetables (Pouring cake) During the pouring process, pay attention to: (1) Operating speed and pouring cake thickness. When reconciling a good seaweed pouring cake, if the speed of operation is increased, the corresponding cracking cake becomes thin, and thicker if not. (2) Measure food spots: Caused by the contamination of the eyes and rubber water bags. Therefore, cleaning is required at the end of each shift. (3) Holes: Mainly due to water leaks caused by sand, shells, etc., mixed in the rubber stopper. Put the rubber plug in the "open" position and clean it. (4)Adjustment of the water volume of the rubber water-retaining bag: The general dish is cut large (initial dish) is adjusted to large, and vice versa. This is closely related to the flatness and evenness of dried laver. 2.2 The dewatering of the dewatering machine is performed using capillary phenomena. The pore size of the dehydrated sponge is about 40-60 μm, and after the process of cleaning and cutting vegetables, fresh residual diatoms can be adsorbed by the dehydration sponge. After the dehydration sponge is contaminated, the dehydration effect is significantly reduced, thereby affecting the drying temperature and speed. The dehydration pressure should be adjusted as needed while maintaining the flatness of the laver. 2.3 Curtains Curtains are the carriers of the laver's fritters and drying. The laver's adhesion to the curtain is different in different sea areas. The curtains are divided into three categories: the sea, the inland sea, and the static sea. The main types used in our country are A type (static sea type) and H type (outer sea type). There are more than a dozen varieties for each model. The larger the number is, the smaller the adhesive force is. In soft, early leafy vegetables, curtains with lower adhesive strength are used. When the seaweed gradually hardens, the curtain with relatively stronger adhesive strength is used. Different cultivation methods, different types of vegetables, and different dishes in different cultivation sea areas, the curtains used should be different. 2.4 dried seaweed into the drying after dehydration. The drying process is determined by the three factors of drying temperature, internal humidity, indoor humidity, and drying time (processing speed). 2.4.1 The weight of cake after dehydration must be kept in the range of 25-50 g. The initial water content of the dish is more and then gradually reduced. 2.4.2 During the drying process, the set temperature should be 65%—75% dry when the laver is in the rear part (reverse part of the curtain frame, NS type), and the time for drying the combined water is relatively long. 2.4.3 After entering the upper part of the dryer, evaporation of water from the surface and edge parts starts. If the front temperature is set too high, the seaweed begins to shrink at the lower part of the dryer, resulting in white spots, and prone to other qualitative changes (such as redness, etc.). 2.4.4 The introduction and exhaust of fresh air. As mentioned above, the three main factors of drying are temperature, humidity, and time. The method of adjustment is mainly performed through intake and exhaust. In application, indoor humidity and air-conditioning must be adjusted according to the dryness of dried laver, and attention should be paid to the user. Secondary air mixture use. The drying of seaweed is an extremely complicated process. The weather conditions such as sunny day and rainy day, daytime and night, windy and windless conditions are different, and they all have influence on the control of drying conditions. Full use of intake and exhaust regulation can fully save energy. Energy, but also can get high-quality dry seaweed, this is the highest requirements of processing management. 2.5 Stripping vegetables is the last part of the drying process. If dried seaweed is damaged, it should be checked from the following aspects before deciding whether to adjust the stripping device. Whether the size of the chopped vegetables is appropriate and whether the washing is clean; whether the water content of the pouring cake is too high; whether the rubber water bag or the target board is polluted; whether the dehydrating sponge is clean and the dehydration pressure is appropriate; The relationship between the exhaust gas and the adjustment of the air deflector in the dryer; whether the choice of the curtain is appropriate, whether the hanging is standard, etc. 3 Dry abnormalities 3.1 Insufficient finish No drying during drying; Pay attention to indoor ventilation and maintain a certain degree of dryness; Use large-sized clealeid discs and sharp blades; Check if the burner works normally; Adjust the fan belt tightness. Through the above measures can generally solve the problem of insufficient finish. 3.2 Shrinkage If shrinkage occurs, it should be considered: reduce the dehydration pressure; reduce the drying temperature; use a small vegetable dish; adjust the amount of hot air reuse, and keep a balanced dry. 4 The grouping and re-drying grading room should be dried at room temperature at 20-25°C and relative humidity is 40%-65%. Manually remove rejects, and divide them into cardboard boxes after separating them into cardboard boxes. Each drawer is loaded with 1,800-2,400 sheets. The dry temperature and time are set as follows: the first gear is 40-45°C, and the time is 20-30 minutes. The second stage is 50-65°C, and the 0 division is 30-40 minutes. The third gear is 65-75°C and the time is about 60 minutes. The fourth gear 80-90 °C, time is 120-180min. After drying, the moisture content should be 3%-5%. A processing plant that uses an air-drying dryer must particularly grasp the progress of the drying process from low temperature to high temperature. Dry dried seaweeds shall be tested, packaged, stored and transported according to the "dry seaweed" standard or contractual requirements.