A Canadian company has developed an "artifact" that will eliminate myopia in 10 seconds.

A Canadian company has developed an "artifact" that will eliminate myopia in 10 seconds.

May 16, 2016 Source: Interface

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From frame glasses to contact lenses to laser correction, humans have struggled with visual impairment for hundreds of years. Nowadays, a new technology may soon eliminate this problem - not only to correct vision, but also to enhance human visual ability.

According to foreign media reports, a bionic lens developed by Ocumentics, a medical technology company in Canada, has entered the final clinical trial stage. Dr. Garth Webb, the company's founder and bionic lens developer, said that with this lens, it takes only ten seconds, and vision can be quickly corrected and restored, even three times better than 1.0.

According to reports, this bionic lens looks like a piece of cereal, the material is a highly biocompatible inert polymer that does not cause human rejection.

In a recent experiment, subjects with bionic lenses were able to see the smallest line of letters on the eye chart 20 feet behind a person with normal vision. Dr. Garth Webb said that in order to develop this technology, Ocumentics spent $3 million (about 15.168 million yuan) over the past eight years.

The surgical procedure is similar to cataract intraocular lens implantation. The doctor first removes the crystals in the patient's eyeball, and then implants the bionic lens. After rinsing with saline, it takes only ten seconds of bionic lens to expand in the eyeball and correct vision immediately. The entire procedure lasts about eight minutes, and the patient does not feel pain and irritation, nor does it require hospital care.

According to Dr. Garth Webb, this technique is very safe, but it is only suitable for adults over the age of 25, because the eye structure of people below this age is not yet mature. In addition, patients with corneal opacity, cataract surgery, severe macular degeneration, severe hereditary retinopathy, optic nerve injury and other diseases are not suitable for this therapy.

According to the company's website, the cost of surgery for each eyeball is about $3,200 (about 162,000 yuan).

Headquartered in British Columbia, Canada, Ocumentics is an ophthalmic biomedical technology company. At present, Ocumentics bionic lenses have completed animal experiments and are entering the human clinical trial stage, and are reviewed by the drug regulatory authorities in North America and Europe within two to three years.

The company also established a foundation called "Celebration of Sight" to help visually impaired patients in developing countries raise funds for surgery and improve their vision.

Reagent Strips For Urinalysis

Urinalysis test strips refer to test strips that test for bilirubin, urobilinogen, ketone bodies, ascorbic acid, glucose, protein (albumin), blood cells, PH, etc. in urine.
Detection principle
1. pH: The pH value in the range of 5-9 is measured by the pH indicator, and the pH value of the fresh urine of a normal person is between 5-7.
2. Nitrite: The reaction is based on the reduction of nitrate to nitrite by Gram-positive bacteria in the urine. The nitrite reacts with p-aminobenzenesulfonic acid to form diazonium compounds, which are then combined with N-(1-naphthalene) )-3 aminopropanesulfonate combined with a pink color.
3. Glucose: According to the reaction principle of glucose oxidase, glucose oxidase specifically oxidizes glucose to generate glucuronic acid and hydrogen peroxide. Under the action of hydrogen peroxide, hydrogen peroxide oxidizes the indicator and turns color. .
Urinalysis test strips are divided into visual series and machine series. The visual inspection series is divided into several models according to different inspection items; the machine inspection series is divided into several models according to different applicable instruments.
1. Classification by measurement method
1) Visual inspection series
When observing the result, compare the color with the standard color code within the time specified on the color code, judge and read the result.
2) Machine test series.
For instrument operation, refer to the instruction manual of the Urine Analyzer used.
2. According to the number of measurement items
There are single-item, 2-item, 4-item and multiple test strips. Currently, 10-item or 11-item multiple test strips are most commonly used in hospitals.
3. Classification by structure
Urinalysis test strips with single-layer membrane structure and multi-layer membrane structure.

Urine Reagent Strips,Urine Test Strip,Urine Sugar Strip Test,Visual Urine Analysis Strips

Jilin Sinoscience Technology Co. LTD , https://www.jilinsinoscience.com

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