According to the economic uses, duck breeds can be divided into three types: meat type, egg type, and both meat and eggs. Egg-type ducks mainly have the following varieties:
Kaki-Cambell duck, native to the United Kingdom, is a world-famous egg-type duck with wide adaptability, high egg production, low material consumption, and strong disease resistance; docile temperament, less susceptible to stress, suitable for captive breeding . Female ducks are born from 120 to 135 days of age. The annual production of eggs is 250 to 270 eggs, and egg weight is 70 to 75 grams.
The Cherry Valley CV2000 duck was bred by the British Cherry Valley Duck Breeding Company. The female duck was born 140 days old. The average annual egg production was 285 eggs and the egg weight was about 75 grams.
In addition, there are Jingxian Duck, Jingjiang Ma Duck, Sansui Duck, and Taiwan Duck. High-yielding ducks are marked by early maturation and early maturation; long laying cycles and short and absent periods. Mainly from the following four aspects of identification.
Look at both feet. When the duck neck is lifted, if the duck's feet are stretched straight down, and each toe is stretched, if it is not dancing, it will be a high-producing duck; if the feet are bent, the toes will move closer and keep moving. For low-producing ducks.
Second look at the body. High-producing ducks have prominent, large eyes, long and wide mouths, prominent upper palate, long neck, broad back-beaks, neat and shiny feathers, slack cloacity, and low recessed eyes. The head is large and short-necked, the tip of the mouth is flat, the back chest is narrow, the feathers are loose, and the cloacal cavity is tight, wrinkled, and dry.
Look for moult. Feathers that are late, short in time, few in number, and lively and active are high-producing ducks; moulting early, long hours, many times, greedy sleep, and light long fat do not lay eggs are low-producing ducks.
Four look production. High-producing ducks lay eggs hard, oval and shiny, strong and strong; low-producing ducks rejoicing soft shell eggs, deformed eggs, weak, disabled 膘 poor.
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