The study reveals a new pattern of elevated blood pressure during pregnancy: there is a "window period" in the rise of blood pressure during pregnancy.
August 25, 2017 Source: Xinhua News Agency
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Recently, a study answered the above questions. This study found for the first time that excessive weight gain in the second trimester is one of the important causes of high blood pressure, and for the first time in the world, the new academic viewpoint of "diastolic rebound of the diastolic blood pressure during pregnancy" was first proposed.
On August 22nd, the American Heart Association's official magazine "Hypertension" published the research team of Professor Niu Jianmin from Shenzhen Maternal and Child Health Hospital affiliated to Southern Medical University. The research team of Professor Li Yuming and Zhou Xin of the Armed Police Medical College and the research team of Professor Zhang Zhuoli of Northwestern University completed the research team. The latest research results.
In order to explore the law of blood pressure elevation during pregnancy and its key influencing factors, Niu Jianmin team combined with Li Yuming, Zhou Xin team and Zhang Zhuoli team in Shenzhen "three projects" project fund, Shenzhen Future Industrial Development Special Fund and National Natural Science Foundation of China Under the joint funding, the birth cohort study method was used to analyze the weight gain and blood pressure of 1112 pregnant women at different gestational weeks. The systolic blood pressure showed a slow and progressive increase, while the diastolic blood pressure showed To reduce the characteristic changes followed by rebound resilience; the magnitude of diastolic blood pressure rebound is closely related to the increase in body weight in the second trimester (22 to 26 weeks): weight gain is based on standard values ​​(about 450 g/week). More than 200 g / week, the risk of excessive blood pressure rebound before delivery increased by 20%.
Professor Niu Jianmin's team found that in the traditional sense of low-risk populations with no maternal and child complications during pregnancy, the proportion of weight gain exceeding the standard in the second trimester was as high as 76.7%. This finding not only provides a reference value for the reasonable increase in body weight, but also reveals the key window of weight management during pregnancy.
Niu Jianmin introduced that the research results reveal the pathogenesis of hypertensive disorder complicating pregnancy and have positive significance for preventing and blocking the occurrence of hypertensive disorder complicating pregnancy. For the first time, the study found the phenomenon of “bottom rebound of diastolic blood pressure during pregnancyâ€. The first systematic analysis of the law of blood pressure elevation during pregnancy and its key influencing factors further expanded the new field of research on blood pressure regulation and the mechanism of hypertension in pregnancy.
Niu Jianmin said that the research results clarify the "window period" of blood pressure during pregnancy, which is more accurate and guiding for blood pressure management and weight management during pregnancy. “Strengthening weight management during pregnancy, especially the excessive weight gain during the 22-26 weeks of gestation, is essential to reduce the incidence of hypertensive disorders during pregnancy. Therefore, this latest research is to develop advanced pregnant women who are suitable for China's national conditions. The weight and blood pressure management program provides new evidence-based medicine with important clinical guidance and practical value." (Reporter Xiao Sisi)
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