The meat donkey cleverly feeds meat tender and delicious

Donkey meat is delicious, it is a kind of high protein, low fat, low cholesterol meat. Chinese medicine believes that donkey meat is cool and cool, with qi and nourishing blood, nourishing yin, and sedativeness. Treatment of strains in the past years. Hollow drink boiled juice, treatment of worms. Donkey kidney, sweet and warm, useful kidney impotence, strong gluten bone effect. It can treat impotence without embolism and waist and knees.

Green and coarse: In general, the content of carotene in the roughage is low, and the content of phosphorus is also very low. However, the contents of calcium and phosphorus in the bone meal are higher in the juicy green feed and germinating feed. Therefore, feed more green and juicy feed, such as cabbage leaves, carrots, carrots, etc., to meet the nutritional needs of meat donkeys.

Coarse and coarse collocation: Roughage, especially straw and oyster shells, with less net energy content and larger volume, is the basic feed for growing, fattening and milking donkeys. However, feeding these feeds alone cannot meet the nutritional needs of meat donkeys and must be fed. A certain amount of concentrate, such as cornmeal, cake feed and bran.

Coarse groups and collocations: Forage feed meat donkeys, pay attention to the use of adjustment, do not use a single forage to feed meat ass. Long-term feeding of meat donkeys with wheat straw can cause cow and sheep's ruminal palsy and equine dyspepsia.

Chopped and chopped and roasted: The coarse part of the lower part of the straw should be cut to make fuel. The upper part of the straw can be cut into about 3 cm for feeding cows and cut into about 1.5 cm for feeding horses and sheep, etc. If it is used to feed meat donkeys , you must use the grinder first smash. To feed meat donkeys with oyster shells, first stir the oyster shells in a large pan and fry them until they are yellow, then feed them by smashing.


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