The suitable climate in autumn is the best season for feeding and fattening ducks. The ducks can gain weight rapidly in the short term through artificial excess heat and protein. Filling fattening is the most effective method of fattening for forced fattening. As such fattening ducks have good subcutaneous fat deposition, well-balanced physique, and tender meat, it is advisable to make roasted ducks, ducks, and braised ducks, with significant economic benefits. Filling time When the meat duck is 50 to 60 days old and the body weight is about 1.5 kilograms, the start of feeding can be started. At this time, feeding and weight gain are fast and the feed conversion rate is high, and it is not easy to produce fat duck gizzards. Generally, the weight of the duck can be increased to more than 2.5 kg in the fall of 12 to 14 days. The quality and quantity of feedstuffs fed into feedstuffs have a great influence on the effect of fertilization. Feeding ducks should be dominated by high-energy and easily digestible starch feeds, while maintaining a certain level of protein. Early period: The feed is mainly bran, with a small amount of corn meal, flour, sorghum flour and other starch feeds, and with an appropriate amount of protein feed such as beans and bean cake, the crude protein level is kept at about 15%. Gradually reduce bran feed and increase starch feed. Late stage: feed mainly on starch, reduce the amount of beans feed, do not feed bran, in order to improve the fatness of ducks, and evenly distribute the deposited fat among the subcutaneous muscle fibers to ensure its fresh quality. Feed formulation: 55% corn or rice flour, 25% wheat flour, 10% corn flour, 6.6% bean flour, 3% bone meal, 0.4% salt. Filling method is generally hand-feeding method, first mix the mixture with water, make it soft and moderate, and then grow by hand to grow 4 to 6 cm, 1.5 to 2 cm thick, long rounded ends, per kilogram The feed can be chopped into about 60 strips. When filling, the operator sits on a small bench, fixes the duck between the legs, stretches the duck's beak with his left thumb and forefinger, presses the duck's tongue with his middle finger, and fills his mouth with the right hand and stuffs it into his mouth. Just fill in the esophagus and fill it in. Fill 3 times a day, fill in 3~5 pieces each time in the initial stage, then increase gradually. If there is no dyspepsia in the duck, 8~10 pieces can be filled each time in the later stage, and 0.4~0.5 kilograms of mixed feed can be fed on the day. Precautions During the fattening of meat ducks, the physiological function is in a very special state, so it is extremely important to strengthen management. In production, special attention should be paid to the following matters: Environment is appropriate: To keep the duck house clean and hygienic, be quiet and dim, and not drastically drive away and make loud noises. At the same time to maintain good ventilation, cool and comfortable to promote fat deposition. Timely feeding: fill feeding time, fill 3 times a day (fill every 1 hour). Before and after filling, check the digestive status. If there is still stagnant food in the touched stomach, indicating indigestion, you should pause filling or reduce the amount of feed, and add 0.3% baking soda in drinking water. Drinking water in a timely manner: Provide adequate clean drinking water in a timely manner after filling, and properly discharge water and exercise to help digestion, enhance physical fitness, and prevent residual ducks from appearing.
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