Menopause is a special and important period of women's life. The medical profession often reminds women that because of endocrine changes during menopause, glucose metabolism and fat metabolism are often disordered, so they are prone to blood sugar elevation, elevated blood lipids, making the body easily obese, and suffering from Diabetes, so menopausal women should control their diet and eat less sweets.
Recently, however, Turkish researchers have found that postmenopausal women suffer from decreased sensitivity to sweetness due to changes in hormone levels in the postmenopausal women, and that they unconsciously increase the intake of sweet foods, resulting in heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. And other potential disease threats.
Women are less sensitive to sweetness
The Turkish researcher Dr. Cagri Delilbasi and his colleagues tasted taste tests on 20 women of about 60 years of age and compared them with 20 men of the same age.
In this test, the researchers let the testee taste a set of different concentrations of different solutions, the purpose is to let them determine whether these solutions are salty, sweet, sour or odorless.
On the other hand, the researchers also asked the subjects to describe their ability to identify these tastes with premenopause. At the same time, women who were tested also answered questions about whether their diet changed after menopause.
Researchers published in the British Journal of Dental Medicine showed that the sensitivity of these women to sweet solutions was significantly reduced, while there was no significant difference in the perception of salty, acid, and bitter tastes, and the taste perception of the tongue did not appear to be significant. Variety.
Increased sweets lead to health problems
When the researchers investigated these women, whether they noticed a change in their overall taste perception after menopause, only 35% of women said they had noticed this change, and 45% of the testees considered themselves The dietary structure has changed, including more like sweet foods.
Researchers believe that the decrease in sweetness sensitivity in menopausal women is consistent with changes in their dietary structure. As to what causes this change, it is difficult to explain and more research work is needed.
Researchers believe that the key issue of this study is that women's post-menopausal changes may lead to more serious health problems. This is due to the fact that women's sense of sweetness after menopause is declining and they are unaware of them. Adding more sweets to your food, or even the sweetness of your sweets, can lead to some underlying health problems, such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.
Control diet attention sugar intake
Dr. Lu Ruizhou, a local obstetrician and obstetrician, said that this research on menopausal women's sweet taste perception deserves the attention of menopausal women. Because of clinical findings, some women in the 50s after menopause are indeed more likely to develop diabetes, which has a certain relationship with eating more sweets.
Dr. Lu Ruizhou said that many menopausal women also have reduced calorie activity and reduced calorie consumption in the body. This causes excess calories and is particularly prone to blunting. Therefore, menopause must be controlled diet and pay attention to sugar intake.
On the other hand, Dr. Lu Ruizhou said that some menopausal women also suffer from mental illnesses such as depression and emotional instability. Some emotionally disturbed menopausal women will unknowingly eat too much sweets. All these must be watched. .
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