Chinese scientists have found that heroin addiction can alter cerebral cortical plasticity

Chinese scientists have found that heroin addiction can alter cerebral cortical plasticity

June 24, 2016 Source: Bio Valley

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6.26 The International Anti-Drug Day is coming again. We all know that drug addiction is difficult to quit. The process of addiction is thought to be a drug “kidnapping” of areas of normal reward activity in the brain (such as dopamine release) to reinforce addictive behavior, like “dark learning”. Plasticity (the ability to change brain structure and function) is thought to be the basis for the brain to make learning changes to external environmental stimuli. Over the past few decades, hundreds of articles have reported the use of addictive drugs in the limbic system of the brain and The reward center induces changes in plasticity, and different means such as deep brain stimulation and non-invasive brain stimulation can inhibit addiction behavior and craving to a certain extent.

Transcranial magnetic stimulation technology is a green safe and non-invasive brain function regulation technology, which uses magnetic fields to activate the corresponding regions of the brain, thus producing a certain therapeutic effect on patients. Internationally, transcranial magnetic stimulation technology has been widely used in the rehabilitation of brain damage, insomnia, and the treatment of some mental illnesses. International research on the use of transcranial magnetic stimulation for drug addiction has been carried out, and it has been found that magnetic stimulation can reduce the addiction of addiction to cocaine/heroin.

In addition to being used to treat diseases, transcranial magnetic stimulation technology can also measure the excitability of the cerebral cortex. When transcranial magnetic stimulation technology is combined with EEG/EMG/FUNC, it is possible to specifically measure excitatory changes in a cortical region. Previous studies have found that addicts may have changes in the cerebral cortex excitability, and the mechanism may be accompanied by an imbalance in the excitation/suppression loop in the cortex.

Recently, researchers from the Department of Psychology, Nanjing Normal University, combined with transcranial magnetic stimulation and motor cortical muscle evoked potential recordings, studied the plasticity changes of the motor cortex of heroin addicts. The paper was published in the field of psychiatry sponsored by Yale University. Top journal on Biological Psychiatry (impact factor 11.212). This study is the first in the world to explore cortical plasticity in addicted patients.

The study first strictly selected heroin addicts for enrollment: the use of heroin alone did not mix new drugs, drug abuse for at least three years and continuous drug use, each dose of heroin used has a larger dose and higher dependence, not Receiving drug treatment for detoxification, showing a certain desire for relapse and physiological craving.

When the researchers magnetically stimulated the motor cortex, the relevant motor evoked potentials were recorded on the thumb muscles. With 10 Hz excitatory frequency stimulation, the excitability of the motor cortex and associated neural connections may show enhanced plasticity, which is greatly diminished in heroin addiction patients (see figure below).

figure 1

figure 2

The School of Psychology, Nanjing Normal University, Department of Rehabilitation, Jiangsu Provincial People's Hospital, Dalian Dalian Detoxification Institute, and Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, School of Rehabilitation, completed the study. The author of the communication is Professor Yuan Yufei from the School of Psychology, Nanjing Normal University.

Professor Yuan Yufei said, "Some theoretical studies on addiction indicate that the motor system may change in the final stage of addiction. This study provides empirical support for these theories. We are conducting systematic institutional research and trying to pass animal electrophysiology. Experiments to elucidate the mechanism by which addiction alters cortical plasticity."

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