Latin name: Oratosquillina interrupta
English name: Squilla interrupta / Oratosquilla interrupta
Common name: -
Outline: Origin and production period of Shrimp:
Mainly located in the east of the Persian Gulf to Vietnam, Hong Kong, Taiwan, China and Australia. Inhabits below 25 meters of sandy or muddy sea.
Eyes have double corneas. The forehead is wide and square. The central ridge of the head breastplate is clearly interrupted by a prong. The knuckles of the limbs have six teeth; the long edges of the long section have long stings; the wrist ridges are divided into two equal rounds. The fifth and sixth thoracic nodes have bilateral protrusions. The sub-central ridges of the fifth and sixth abdominal segments are thorny; the mid-ridges of the fourth to sixth abdominal segments are thorns; the lateral ridges of the third to sixth abdominal segments are thorns; the edge ridges of the first to fifth abdominal segments are Barbed. The extremities of the extremities have 7-9 movable thorns at the front and outer edges.
Body color:
Back light olive green. Head gecko groove dark green; ridge deep red. The posterior edge of the somite is dark green; the ridges are green. The central ridge of the tail shank has a brown point; the base cusp is red. The external limb of the tail is yellow.
Body length:
Medium to large, up to 160 mm in length.
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