The thickness of bisporus cultivars affects the level of yield. In general, the thickness of the material is 25 to 35 cm, the thickness of the material is large, nutrition is sufficient, the mushroom is early, the tide is fast, and the yield is high; when the material is thin, the tide of the mushroom is less, the tide period is elongated, and the mushroom is easy to grow. Premature aging, small body mushrooms, low yield. However, the thickness of the material should be considered at the same time as the temperature of the germination period and the time of mushrooming, for example, sowing and sterilizing in the early August when the temperature is relatively high. Therefore, culture materials should be thinned to 25 to 30 centimeters. For example, if the temperature of the mushroom shed is low or the natural temperature of the fungus and fruiting period is low, the material should be spread to a thickness of 30 to 35 centimeters. . For example, in the semi-basement mushroom sheds in the cold regions of the West, the temperature of the whole germs and fruiting period is relatively low, and the material can be thicker. Practical experience shows that too low material temperature affects production.
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