Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin. Vitamin C participates in various reactions in the body, such as participating in the redox process, and plays an important role in biological oxidation and reduction and cell respiration.
List of vitamin C health effects:
1. Synthetic Collagen: The human body is composed of cells. The cells are linked by the intercellular substance. The key component of the interstitial substance is collagen. Collagen accounts for one-third of the body's protein, creating connective tissue that forms the body's skeleton. Such as bones, blood vessels, ligaments, etc., determine the elasticity of the skin, protect the brain, and help the healing of human wounds.
2. Ascorbic disease: The strength of the blood vessel wall is strongly related to VC. Microvessels are the smallest of all blood vessels. The wall of the vessel may have only one cell thickness. Its strength and elasticity are determined by collagen. When there is insufficient VC in the body, microvessels easily break. Therefore, vitamin C deficiency when the skin surface congestion, purpura; occur in the body will cause pain and joint pain. In severe cases, bleeding can occur in the stomach, intestines, nose, kidneys, and periosteum.
3. Gingival atrophy and bleeding. Healthy gums tightly hold each tooth. Gingiva is a soft tissue, and when it lacks protein, calcium, and VC, it can easily cause gingival atrophy and bleeding.
4. Prevent arteriosclerosis. Can promote the excretion of cholesterol and prevent the deposition of cholesterol in the arterial wall.
5. It is a water-soluble antioxidant. It can protect other antioxidants such as vitamin A, vitamin E, unsaturated fatty acids, and prevent free radicals from harming the human body.
6. Treatment of anemia. The trivalent iron, which is difficult to absorb and use, is reduced to divalent iron, which promotes the absorption of iron and improves the utilization of iron in the liver, which is helpful for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia.
7. Anti-cancer. Abundant collagen helps prevent the spread of cancer cells; the antioxidant effect of VC protects against cell damage caused by free radicals, prevents cell variability, and blocks nitrites and secondary amines from forming strong carcinogen nitrosamines. There have been dissections of cancer patients who found that the amount of VC in the patient's body was almost zero.
8. Protect cells, detoxify, and protect the liver. In human life activities, it is crucial to ensure the integrity of cells and the normal metabolism. For this reason, glutathione and enzymes play an important role. Glutathione is a short peptide consisting of glutamic acid, cystine, and glycine, which has a redox effect in the body. It has two forms of existence, oxidation and reduction, and reduction plays an important role in ensuring the integrity of the cell membrane.
VC is a strong antioxidant that is itself oxidized and reduces oxidized glutathione to reduced glutathione, thereby exerting an antioxidant effect. Enzymes are the catalysts for biochemical reactions, and some enzymes require free sulfhydryl (-SH) for their activity. VC can reduce the disulfide bond (-SS) to -SH, thereby increasing the activity of related enzymes and exerting an antioxidant effect.
In summary, as long as VC is sufficient, VC, glutathione, and -SH form a powerful combination of antioxidants, scavenging free radicals, preventing lipid peroxidation and the toxic effects of certain chemicals, and protecting the liver from detoxification. And the normal metabolism of cells.
9. Improve the body's immunity. White blood cells are rich in VC, and when the body is infected, the VC inside the white blood cells is drastically reduced. VC can enhance the chemotaxis and deformability of neutrophils and increase the bactericidal capacity. Promote the production of lymphoblasts and increase the recognition and killing of foreign and malignant cells. Involved in the synthesis of immunoglobulins. Increase the activity of CI complement esterase and increase the production of complement CI. Promote the production of interferon, interfere with the transcription of viral mRNA and inhibit the proliferation of the virus.
10. Improve the body's stress capabilities. The human body is subjected to abnormal stimuli, such as severe pain, cold, lack of oxygen, and strong stimuli, which can lead to tensions that resist abnormal stimuli. This state is accompanied by a series of bodies including sympathetic nerve activity, increased adrenal medulla and corticosteroid secretion. Adrenaline and norepinephrine secreted by the adrenal medulla are converted from tyrosine, and VC involvement is required in this process.
The vitamin C that enters the body is quickly distributed in tissues and organs. Under normal circumstances, the body's vitamin C library is 1500 mg. Most of the excess is excreted in urine, and a small part is excreted in stool, sweat, and respiratory tract. However, in the case of infection, the body needs 20-40 times as much as usual, and all the drugs will destroy the body's VC, so it is very beneficial to supplement VC in the state of the body.
Dr. Pauling, an American scientist who died only 93 years ago, has won the Nobel Prize twice. According to his own years of research, he published the book Vitamin C and the Common Cold in 1970. The point of view in the book is that daily intake of 1,000 mg or more of natural vitamin C can prevent colds; vitamin C can be antiviral. This book was named the best science book in the United States that year.
In short, vitamin C has been clearly certified for its ability to increase resistance, prevent cardiovascular disease, participate in hematopoiesis, and effectively fight free radicals.
1000Hz High Frequency LiDAR System
JRT High Frequency Range LiDAR Sensor is 2021 new product, that's a low-cost tof sensor but High frequency (up to 1000Hz). With 5cm high accuracy, the LiDAR Module can measure 80m.
Why the 1000Hz High Frequency LiDAR System:
* Widely used in many industrial automation system, like, UAV, delivery van, anti-lock break system, construction automation,intelligent toy robots etc.
* Small size: 43*35*21mm, can be easily integrated
* Invisible laser design: the laser type is 905nm,Class I
* High Frequency: 1000hz/1khz
* Low power design
Chengdu JRT Main Ranging Modules: Industrial Laser Distance Sensor, Laser Distance Meter Module, Tof LiDAR Sensor.
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Chengdu JRT Meter Technology Co., Ltd ,