It is necessary to vigorously develop the sheep-rearing industry and breeding techniques are one of the key links. Breeding is a necessary means to increase the number of herds and improve the quality of herds. In order to improve the breeding ability of sheep, it is necessary to grasp the breeding characteristics and laws of sheep and to understand the various internal and external factors that affect reproduction. In sheep production, breeding laws are applied and advanced breeding techniques are adopted so that the production of cultivated sheep can be carried out in a planned manner according to human requirements.
1. Ewe and sexual maturity of ewes
The ovaries and sexual organs of the ewes are in incomplete development. Most of the follicles in the ovaries are in atrophic atresia during the development process. After the state, with the growth and development of the ewes, the secretion of gonadotropins in the pituitary gland gradually increases. At the same time, the ovarian sensitivity to gonadotropins increases and the follicles begin to mature. Occurrence of ovulation and estrus symptoms. The first occurrence of estrus symptoms in the ewe is the arrival of the puberty. At this point although the ewes have estrus symptoms, but often the estrus cycle is not normal, and its genitals are still growing and developing, so at this time should not be breeding. In general, the puberty of the sheep is 4-8 months of age. Some early maturing varieties such as the Tail Han sheep have a pubescent stage of 4-5 months; goats have a pubescent stage of 4-6 months.
With the arrival of the first estrus, under the action of estrogen, the reproductive organs have grown rapidly, their growth and development have become increasingly perfect, and they have the ability to reproduce. This time is called sexual maturity. In general, sexual mating can be used to breed offspring, but at this time, its own growth and development is not yet mature, and the body weight is only 405-60% of the adult sheep, so the sexual maturation period is not suitable for the mating age. Because the mating of mothers is too early, it will not only seriously hinder their own growth and development, but also affect the production performance of future generations. Generally, the weight of the first ewes should reach 65%-70% of the weight of the adult sheep.
The sexual maturity of ewes is mainly affected by species, individuals, climate, and feeding and management conditions. Precocious meat sheep have matured sexually earlier than late-maturing wool sheep. In warmer areas, colder areas, better feeding and management conditions are earlier than sexually mature conditions that are poorly maintained.
2. Estrus cycle
Estrus is a phenomenon of sexual activity expressed by ewes. A series of changes occur in the ewes' mental state, reproductive tract, and ovaries during estrus. The vulva of the ewes is congested and swollen. She likes to move near the ram. She does not move when the ram chases or catches the cross. Some ewes see the ram and separate their hind legs and swing their tails. Sometimes the ewe’s appetite subsides, the feed intake is very low, and the babbling ceases. The virginity of the virgin sheep is not obvious, and some even refuse to cross the ram, but as long as they actively approach the ram and follow the latter, they can be considered as estrus.
In the process of estrus, due to the effect of estrogen, the estrus vaginal mucus secretion increases, and congestion, relaxation, cervix swelling, early estrus vaginal secretion of a small amount of transparent or thin milky secretions, more medium-term mucus, was Filamentous, lower excretion of filaments, more viscous.
The duration of estrus in the ewes is called the estrus duration. The average duration of estrus in sheep is 30 hours and the average goat is 40 hours. Ovulation of ewe is generally 12-24 hours after the beginning of oestrus, so it is most appropriate to breed 12 hours after oestrus. The duration of estrus is affected by factors such as breed, age, and the season of breeding. Hairy sheep have longer estrus than meat sheep. The duration of estrus in lambs was the shortest in the puberty period, longer after 1.5 years old, and the longest in adult ewes; the estrus duration in the early and late breeding seasons was short and the medium period was longer; the ewe of the male and female hens was more mixed than the individual hens The ewe's estrus duration is short and the estrus is neat and consistent.
During the period of estrus, the ewes will return to estrus at intervals after mating without mating or mating. The interval from the beginning of the last estrus to the beginning of the next estrus is called the estrus cycle. The estrus cycle of sheep averaged 17 days (14-21 days), and the goat averaged 21 days (18-24 days). The estrus cycle varies with breed, age, and nutritional status. Milk goats have a long estrus cycle, and young goats are short; virgin sheep and old sheep have a long estrus cycle, and young sheep are short; poor-nutrition sheep have a long estrus cycle and well-nourished sheep.
3. Estrus identification
Through estrus identification, determine the appropriate breeding time and increase the ewes' fertility rate. Identification of estrus in ewes is mainly in the following ways:
(1) Appearance: When the ewes are in estrous state, their performance is disturbed, their vision is blunt, their appetite is diminished, howl, genital area is red and swollen, and mucus is expressed. During the early stage of estrus, mucus is transparent and the amount of mucus is in the form of filaments, and the quantity is much more. Colloidal. When the estrus ewes are chased or climbed by the ram, they tend to stand on their hind legs and accept mating. The virgin sheep's estrus is inconspicuous. Observe it carefully. Don't miss the timing of breeding.
(2) Identifying estrus with the trial ram The trial ram is the ram that is used to find ewes. To choose a healthy, strong sexual desire, no disease, age 2-5 years old, good performance ram. In order to avoid trying rams to steal ewes, the rams can be tested on the cloth, 40 cm long, 35 cm wide, and the four corners are attached to the belt. It cannot be directly mated, but it can also be used for vasectomy or penile transposition.
The trial rams should be fed alone to strengthen feeding management, away from the ewes and prevent theft. The rams should be communicative or fine-tuning every other week to stimulate their libido.
Tests should be conducted every morning. Try to get the ram into the ewes and use the nose to sniff the ewes, or use hoofs to tease the ewes, or even climb onto the ewes' backs. The ewes will not move, they will not refuse, or they will extend their hind legs to urinate. The ewes are estrus sheep. Estrus sheep should be singled out from the sheep and marked. For early ewes, they have a fear of rams. When the ram is chasing, it is not as active as the adult ewes. However, as long as the ram is closely followed by the latter, it is estrus. At the time of the trial, the proportion of males and females should be 2-3:100.
(3) The vaginal examination determines whether or not estrus is detected by observing changes in the vaginal mucosa, secretions, and cervix. When performing a vaginal examination, the ewes should be properly secured and the genital area washed. After cleaning, disinfecting and drying the opener, apply a sterile lubricant or soak with saline. The inspector closes the front end of the opener, slowly inserts the vagina, gently opens the opener, and checks the vagina for changes through the mirror or flashlight. Estrus vaginal mucous membrane congestion, surface brightness and moist, transparent mucus outflow, cervical mouth congestion, relaxation, opening, there is mucus outflow. After the inspection, close the opener slightly and take it out.
4. Seasonal breeding
In general, ewes are seasonal estrus animals. Every year in autumn, as the light grows shorter, the sheep enter the breeding season. Sheep in pastoral areas and mountain areas in China are mostly seasonal estrus types. Sheep farmed in certain agricultural areas may be bred all year round by long-term feeding of sheep, such as Huyang sheep and Small Tail Han sheep, or there may be two spring and autumn breedings. season.
The breeding of sheep is affected by seasonal factors, and different seasons, light hours, temperature, feed supply and other factors are also different, so the effect of the season on the reproductive function of sheep actually means that the light time, temperature and feed are Sheep reproductive function.
(1) Changes in the length of light illumination have a significant impact on sexual activity in sheep. In the area near the equator, due to the constant day and night and length of the year, the species cultivated in the area are not likely to respond to changes in the length of their sexual activities. That is, the length of the illumination time has little effect on their sexual activity. . However, in non-high altitude and high latitude areas, the duration of light varies periodically due to different seasons: the winter solstice, the shortest day and the longest night; after that, the white pheasant grows, the night gets shorter, and when it reaches the vernal equinox, it stays the same, Until the summer solstice, the longest white day, the shortest night. Then it changed in the opposite direction. The length of the daylight means the length of the light. The breeding season of sheep is closely related to the length of light. According to Hafez's study, the relationship between breeding season and illumination time of adult sheep in the United Kingdom is shown in Figure 5-1.
From Figure 5-1 we can see: 1 different species, the length of the breeding season is different.
For example, the breeding season of Seth Sheep was longer than the average length of 223 days, while the sheep in the border areas of Laister Sheep and Weir were shorter, averaging 131 days and 133 days respectively; 2 Almost all breeds were in the autumnal season. Between the vernal equinox and the shortest period of illumination in the medium-term period close to one in the breeding season, this indicates that the sexual activity of the sheep is closely related to the time of light. During the year, the breeding season begins when the autumnal light changes from long to short. The end of the equinox season ended with a short period of change. It can be seen that gradually shortening the light time can promote the beginning of the sheep breeding season. Therefore, the sheep is considered as a short-day breeding animal.
(2) Temperature In general, the length of light is balanced with the temperature. Therefore, temperature has an effect on the breeding season of the sheep, but its effect is less important than the light. According to the Dutt test, ewes were divided into two groups. The experimental group was kept in a cool sheep house from the end of May to October and the control group was raised under normal conditions. As a result, the breeding season of the experimental group was approximately 8 weeks earlier. On the contrary, during the first month of the breeding season, the ewes were kept at 32°C for a long time. Most ewes delayed the breeding season. It can be seen that the temperature of the cool climbing can make the breeding season of the ewes ahead of schedule, and the high temperature will push it backwards.
(3) Feed fodder is sufficient, nutrition is high, then the breeding season of ewes can be appropriately advanced; on the contrary, it will be postponed. In the appropriate period before the advent of the breeding season, adopting enhanced nutrition measures and aphrodisiac feeding will not only advance the breeding season but also increase the double-knuckle rate. If the long-term feed is not fed and malnutrition occurs, the breeding season will be postponed. It ended earlier, which shortened the breeding season. It can be seen that the feed supply situation and the level of nutrition have a great impact on the breeding of ewes.
Breeding time and methods
1. Mating plan
The mating plan of the sheep is generally determined based on the number of lambs and the time of lambing each year in each area and each sheep farm. In the case of 1 year of production, there are two kinds of winter lambs and spring lambs. The winter maternity time is between January and February. It needs to be bred from August to September. The spring maturation time is between April and April. It needs to be planted between November and December. The ewes of the winter maternity ewes usually have good nymphs during the mating period, which is good for raising the lambing rate. At the same time, because the ewes have sufficient nutrients for the gestation period, the lambs have a major birth and the survival rate is high. In addition, winter lambs use a longer period of green grass, which is good for catching lice. However, the production of winter lambs requires sufficient insulation for the delivery room and adequate forage reserves. Otherwise the ewes are prone to lack of milk and affect the development of the lamb. Lambing in the spring, the climate is warmer and does not require a warm delivery room. Ewes can eat green grass soon after delivery, and have sufficient milk. Soon after the lamb is born, young grass can also be eaten, which is conducive to the growth and development of lambs. However, the shortcomings of the birth lamb are that the ewes are the worst in the late pregnancy, the growth and development of the fetus is limited, and the birth weight of the lamb is small. At the same time, the use of short grass period after weaning of lambs is not conducive to fattening.
With the application of modern breeding technology, intensive lambing system technology is increasingly applied to large sheep farms. In the case of 2 years and 3 years of production, the first year of breeding in May, the lamb in October; 2 years of breeding in January, lambing in June; breeding in September, lambing in February of the following year. In the case of 1 year and 2 years of production, the first year of breeding in October, the second year of March lambing; in April breeding, lambing in September.
2. Breeding time and method
Mating time is usually the early morning ewes ewes breeding, afternoon or evening estrus ewes on the second morning of breeding. To ensure the conception, it is advisable to mate once again at intervals of about 12 hours after the first mating.
There are two kinds of breeding methods for sheep: natural mating and artificial insemination. Natural mating is divided into two types: free mating and artificial assisted mating.
(1) Free mating Free mating is the simplest and most primitive mating method. The selected ram will be placed in the ewes and allowed to mate with the estrus ewes. This method is simple, labor-saving and suitable for small and scattered sheep farms. The disadvantages are: 1 can not fully play the role of excellent rams, because a breed of ram can only be with 20-30 ewes; 2 can not grasp the specific lambing time; 3 male and female ewes mixed group, ram Chasing ewes, not eating peace of mind, consumption of rams physical strength, is not conducive to the mother to pay for sheep; 4 can not grasp the mating situation, the pedigree chaos of the lamb, can not be matching work, but also easy to match and close relatives mating. To overcome these shortcomings, in the non-matching season, the male and female ewes must be managed in groups, and the rams can be placed in the ewes group at the ratio of 1:20-30 during the breeding period. After the breeding is completed, the rams will be isolated. In order to prevent inbreeding, the rams must be regularly exchanged between the sheep.
(2) Artificially assisted mating Artificially assisted mating is to separate the male and female ewes in groups. During the mating period, the ram is used to try to match the estrus ewes with the designated rams. By adopting this method of mating, selection and matching of seeds can be targeted to improve the production performance of future generations. During the breeding period, the number of rams and mating ewes per sheep can increase to 60-70, thus increasing the utilization rate of male rams.
(3) Artificial insemination Artificial insemination is a kind of mating method in which the semen of a ram is fed into the cervix or vagina of a ewes by means of a device to achieve conception. Artificial insemination can accurately register the breeding period. Due to the dilution of semen, a single species of ram semen can give 400-500 ewes a chance to conceive during the three breeding seasons, which greatly improves the rate of yesterday's use of excellent rams and reduces the amount of breeding rams. At the same time, frozen semen production can achieve long-distance diversion of different species, so that certain regions can achieve hybrid breeding and breeding purposes without introducing male rams. Artificial insemination also greatly reduces the genital disease.
3. Artificial insemination technology
(1) Preparation of equipments Equipment for artificial insemination includes mainly artificial vaginas, insemination devices, vaginal openers, sperm bottles, glass rods, tweezers, beakers, and magnetic disks. All equipment for sperm extraction, insemination, and contact with semen should be cleaned, dried, disinfected and stored in a clean cabinet. No other items should be placed in the cabinet.
When installing a false vagina, pay attention to the temperature and pressure inside the false vagina to make it similar to the ewes' vagina. The irrigation volume accounts for about 1/2-2/3 of the inner tube and shell space, preferably 150-180 ml. The water temperature is 45-50°C. When the sperm is collected, the temperature inside the cavity is maintained at 39-42°C. To ensure a certain degree of lubrication, use a clean glass rod and a small amount of Vaseline to evenly apply in the first 1/3 of the inner tube. Through the valve piston to inject gas, the inner end of the inner wall of the tire collection port is preferably triangular.
(2) Before selecting the fine sperm, select the Taiwan sheep. The selection of the sheep should be compatible with the physical size of the refined ram and the estrus should be obvious. The external vagina of the sheep was disinfected with a 2% solution of sulphate, rinsed with warm water and wiped dry. Rams under the ram should also be cleaned. Semen collection personnel must be meticulously concentrated and agile and accurate. The sperm extractor is behind the ewe's right hand, holding the false vagina in her right hand, resting against the ewe's tail, and the entrance facing down, with a 35-45° angle to the ground. When the ram climbs, use the left hand to gently care for the penis and introduce the penis into the false vagina to keep the false vagina in line with the penis. When the ram rushes forward, it is ejaculation. The sperm extractor should then withdraw the penis from the vagina as he jumps from the sheep with the ram. Put the collection bottle upright, take it to the processing room, release the gas, remove the collection bottle, close the lid, mark it, and prepare the semen for inspection.
(3) Semen quality inspection The extracted semen was first examined through the naked eye and the olfactory test. The semen of the ram was milky white with a slight stench of odor. The cloud-like motion was visible to the naked eye. The ejaculation amount was 0.8-1.8 ml, with an average of 1 ml. Next, the viability, density, and sperm morphology of the semen were examined by microscopy. During the inspection, a semen of semen was picked up with a sterilized glass rod, dropped on a glass slide, covered with a cover slip, and placed under a 400-fold microscope. The test temperature is preferably 38-40°C. The live rate of all spermatozoa were rated as 1 point for linear motion, 0.8% for 80% linear motion, and 0.6 points for linear motion as 60%, and so on. The live rate above 0.8 can be used to inseminate. Sperm density is divided into four levels: dense, medium: thin, no. "Dense" is a dense spermatozoon with no gaps in the field of view, and can't see a list of sperm movements; "Middle" is the length of the spermatozoa in the field of vision is equivalent to a length of fine drop, you can see a list of fine movements; "Rare" is a field of vision There are fewer spermatozoa in the spermatozoa, and no spermatozoa in the visual field. The morphology of spermatozoa is examined by microscopic examination of the presence of teratogenic spermatozoa, such as large, thin, slender, round, double-headed heads; the neck is enlarged, slender, with primordial drops; the middle segment is enlarged, slender, with protoplasm Etc.; tail bent, two-tailed, with primordial drops. Such as semen in spermatozoa more fine, nor insemination.
(4) Semen Dilution The purpose of dilution of semen is to increase semen volume in order to infuse more ewes on the one hand; on the other hand, semen can be stored for a short period of time or even for a long period of time, continue to be used, and is conducive to the long-distance transport of semen. , thus greatly improving the breeding efficiency of breeding rams.
Semen should be diluted as soon as possible after harvesting. The earlier the dilution, the better the effect. Therefore, dilute solution should be prepared before sperm collection. There are three commonly used diluents: 1 milk or goat milk dilution. The fresh milk or sheep's aid milk is filtered with several layers of gauze, boiled and sterilized for 10-15 minutes, cooled to 30°C, and the milk skin can be removed. Generally can be diluted 1:2-4 times. 2 glucose-yolk dilution. In 100 ml of distilled water, add 3 grams of anhydrous glucose, 1.4 grams of sodium citrate, dissolve and filter 3-4 times, and then cook for 30 minutes, then add the egg yolk 20 to about 30°C and mix well. Generally can be diluted 2-3 times. 3 normal saline drop rock dilution. Dilutions were made with 0.9% physiological saline for injection or 0.9% sodium chloride solution, which was self-formulated. This kind of diluent can only be used for timely insemination, and it cannot be used for preservation and transportation of crude liquid. The dilution factor should be more than 2 times.
The temperature of fresh semen collected is generally around 30°C. If the room temperature is below 30°C, set the bottle in a water bath at 30°C to prevent the sperm from being affected by the drastic changes in temperature. When the semen is mixed with the diluent, the temperature of the two should be kept constant, and they should be handled at room temperature and aseptic conditions at 20-25°C. Dilute the diluent slowly along the wall of the collection bottle. For mixing, shake it gently with your hands. Diluted semen should be immediately examined by microscopy to observe its viability.
The dilution of semen should be determined based on the density of the sperm. When the microscopic examination is generally "secret", the semen can be diluted. The diluted semen volume (0.1 ml) should ensure that the number of effective spermatozoa is more than 75 million.
(5) Preservation of semen The preservation of the washing machine can be divided into normal temperature (10-14°C, low temperature (0-5°C)) and frozen (-79 to -196°C).
1 Store semen at room temperature for normal temperature preservation. The diluent may be diluted with gelatin. The diluent formula RH gelatin solution is 3 grams of sodium lemon, 0.15 grams of sulfamethazine, 0.1 grams of mosamide, 10 grams of gelatin, and 100 milliliters of distilled water; the formula of gelatin and milk is 100 milliliters of milk and 10 grams of gelatin. Diluted the semen and put them in a sterile, dry test tube. Then seal the wax and seal the air. The law is preserved for 48 hours and its vitality is 70% of the original semen.
2 Low-temperature preservation Low-temperature preservation should pay attention to slow cooling. The test tube can be wrapped with cotton on the outer side of the test tube, and then placed in a plastic bag and placed in the refrigerator. Generally this method can save 1-2 days.
3 Cryopreservation The collected semen was diluted 1:1-3 with lactose, yolk, and glycerol diluent, and then placed in the refrigerator at 3-5°C to cool and equilibrate for 2-4 hours. Then put a smooth metal sheet or gauze on a wide-mouth thermos bottle filled with liquid nitrogen, 1-2 cm from liquid nitrogen, and after a few minutes, when the temperature drops to a constant temperature, drop the semen with a pipette or a thin tube. Dripping on the thin plate or sand net, after dripping after 3-5 minutes, scrape the particles with a small spoon, and collect it immediately into liquid nitrogen. Frozen cryopreserved pellets can be stored for many years without deteriorating under ultra-low temperature conditions.
(6) The insemination of inseminated sheep is best used with a horizontal insemination frame. Two wooden stakes are buried on the ground, and the spacing between piles can be high. The number of sheep can be set at a time. Generally, 2 meters can be set. Then a round wood (about 6 cm in diameter) is fixed on the stake; round wood is about 50 cm from the ground. . The rear ribs of the inseminating ewes are placed on round logs. Before the technique, the hind limbs are vacant, and several ewes can be inseminated on the logs at the same time.
Before insemination, all insemination equipment must be sterilized and sterilized. Insemination personnel should wear their hands and nails with a short cut, wash their hands, and disinfect with 75% alcohol. The genital area of ​​the ewes was used to disinfect Suer's solution, and it was washed with water and wiped dry. Then, the opener was slowly inserted to find the mouth of the cervix, and then gently rotated 90 to open the opener. The position of the cervix is ​​not necessarily right to the vagina, but the mucous membrane near the deadline is darker and easier to find. When inseminating, slowly inhale the good fluid of the sperm into the mouth of the cervix 0.5-1.5 cm, gently injected into the cervix. After the injection, an abortion device and a vaginal rejuvenator were withdrawn and disinfected immediately. The amount of spermatozoa to be delivered should be maintained at more than 75 million spermatozoa, ie 0.05-0.1 ml of the original semen. Ewes who can only perform vaginal insemination should double their insemination volume.
Pregnancy and childbirth
1. Pregnancy
Pregnancy mother pregnancy, pregnant, is a special physiological state of ewe, is from the fertilized egg, after development, until the mature fetus output. This period of time is called the gestation period. The sheep's gestational period averages 150 days. Ewes no longer show estrus 20 days after mating, you can judge that you are pregnant. In the early stages of gestation, the ewe is in the embryonic stage and the ewes do not change much. At 2-3 months of gestation, the fetus has formed and the hand can touch the abdomen and have a hard mass before the breast. However, due to the small size of the fetus, the ewes consume less nutrition. At the time of 4-5 months of pregnancy, that is, during the later period of pregnancy, the growth and development of the fetus is rapid, and the metabolism of the material and the total energy metabolism of the ewes increase dramatically, which is generally 20% higher than when they are empty. At this stage, the ewe's abdomen is enlarged, the body is declared collapsed, the breasts are enlarged, deep depressions appear in the corners, and the operation is careful and slow, and the temperament is gentle. During this time, it is necessary to strengthen nutrition and meet the needs of the rapid growth of the fetus. At the same time, it is necessary to prevent strenuous exercise, mutual crowding, sudden temperature changes, and disease infections to cause premature abortion of ewe.
2. childbirth
(1) Performance before childbirth For ewes that are close to the date of birth, the grazing farmer should check every morning when grazing occurs. If the ewes' nests fall down, the pus is swollen, the milk is swelled, and the nipple is hardened vertically. Days produce lamb symptoms. If it is found that the ewes do not want to move around, they are fond of grazing on the corners of the corner with a forehand plan. When they wait for symptoms such as lying down, they must be ready to pick lambs. When ewes are born, because of their inexperience, the lamb is often called into the vagina, or standing on the lamb's side, and it is necessary to try to make it lie down to lambing.
(2) Preparation before lamb feeding The sheep house, forage, feed, medicine, utensils, etc. should be prepared before the lamb handling work starts.
Lambs used to be completely disinfected and kept sanitary. At the same time, it requires sufficient sunlight, good ventilation, dry ground, and no thunder. In the winter house, grass or dried sheep dung should be used to keep warm.
Prepare enough high quality hay, juicy feed, and concentrate to feed the ewes to ensure that the ewes produce a lot of milk.
The equipment and drugs for lambs must be prepared in advance. Such as buckets, basins, towels, scissors, lanterns, scales, record forms, and disinfecting drugs, such as Suer, alcohol, iodine, potassium permanganate, sterile gauze, absorbent cotton and so on.
(3) Lamb-feeding technology When ewes produce lambs, they usually do not need midwifery, and it is best to let them produce their own output. The lambs should observe whether the delivery process is normal and provide necessary protection for the birth canal. During normal confinement, first trim the nets around the breasts of the ewes and on the inside of the hind limbs. Then wash the breast with warm water and extrude a few drops of colostrum. Then wash the ewes' tails, genitals, and anus and sterilize them with 1%.
Under normal circumstances, lambs are born from a few minutes to 0.5 hours after rupture of the amniotic membrane. First, see the two hoofs of the forehand. With the mouth and nose, after the head is exposed, it can be produced smoothly. When the lambs are produced, a lamb is produced first, which can be hand-selected in the abdomen of the ewes and can touch the smooth fetus. The interval between 5 and 30 minutes before and after the production of twin lambs, long to several hours, pay attention to expansion, because the ewes tired and powerless, need midwifery.
Lambs give birth to the fetus after 0.5-3 hours of birth. Take them away to prevent them from being swallowed by ewe.
After the lamb is born, first remove the mucus from the mouth, nose, and mouth to wipe it to avoid swallowing, causing asphyxiation or foreign body pneumonia. After the lamb is born, the umbilical cord will normally tear naturally. It can also be cut with scissors at 5-10 cm from the lamb's umbilical fossa, or cut off by hand. In order to prevent umbilical cord infection, 5% iodine can be used to disinfect the broken ends. The ewes are usually lambs themselves after lambing. If the ewe does not suck, sprinkle some bran on the lamb to encourage the ewe to clean it.
(4) Treatment of dystocia and suspended dead lambs
1 The general treatment of dystocia Generally due to pelvic stenosis in the primordial ewes, the vagina is too narrow, and the fetus is too large; or because the ewes are weak and weak; uterine contractions are weak or the fetal position is not correct, etc., can cause dystocia.
When the ewe gives birth, the fetus exposes the front and mouth, and then exposes the head and body. If the amniotic membrane breaks water after 30 minutes and the lamb is still not producing, or if only the hooves and the mouth are exposed, the ewes are incapable of taking care of them and need midwifery. Incorrect foetuses also need midwifery. Midwifery personnel should first polish their fingernails, wash their arms with soap, and then use them to disinfect Suer's water and apply lubricants. Such as the fetus is too large to use the hand with the ewe's culprit, grasp the fetus and the two front hooves, and slowly pull out; or with the embarrassing ewes, push the ewes' abdomen by hand to the top, so repeated Several times, you can produce. If the fetus is not correct, first lift the hindquarters of the ewes first, push back the exposed part of the semi-fetus, find out the fetal position in the birth canal, slowly help correct the fetal position of Cheng Shun, and then follow the rhythm of the ewes, gently take care of the fetus. Pull out.
2 After the lambs of the dead lambs are processed, they are fully developed. However, when the heart beats without breathing, it is called suspended animation. The cause of suspended animation is mainly lamb inhalation of amniotic fluid, long delivery time, and lack of oxygen in the uterus. There are two ways to deal with dead lambs. One is to lift up the hind legs of the lambs, so that the lambs can be suspended and patted on their backs and chests; the other is to let the lambs lie flat and use two hands to push the chest in a rhythmic manner. Lambs that have been suspended in time are generally able to recover after being processed.
Increase fecundity
1. The main factors affecting fertility
Various internal and external factors affecting fertility affect the semen quality and fertilization ability of the ram directly or indirectly through different ways; the normal estrus, ovulation number, fertilized egg number and fetus development of the ewes finally control the breeding of the sheep. force. To do this, we must fully understand these factors and adopt effective measures before the sheep's fertility can continue to increase.
(1) Influence of genetic factors Fertility is mainly affected by genetic factors. The fertility differs among different breeds and between individuals of the same variety. The authoritative high-quality local breeds Small Tail Han sheep and Hu sheep lambing rates were 260%-270%, 230%-250%, respectively, and the fecundity was very strong, and they were relatively stable hereditary. The hybrid offspring could still maintain the characteristics of multiple births. The Altay sheep produced in northern Xinjiang and the Uzhumu sheep produced in Inner Mongolia have poor reproductive performance. Their lamb production rates are 110% and 100%, respectively. There is a difference in reproduction between different individuals of the same species. Individuals with poor fertility are also found in the high-yield species, and twins are also present in single-toned breeds. Therefore, selection should be strengthened so that the genes of excellent individuals can be preserved. And inherited to future generations.
(2) Impact of the environment Sheep are seasonal estrus animals, and the length of light is the main environmental factor affecting ewes' estrus. Under the normal activity of the ovary, light has a significant effect on the ovulation number of the ewes. It has been proved that with the progress of the season, the sheep's lambing rate gradually increases, reaches a peak in the middle of breeding, and then gradually decreases. This is due to the fact that with the shortening of the illumination time, the amount of melatonin secreted by the pineal gland gradually increases, and melatonin promotes the secretion of gonadotropins by the pituitary of ewe and gradually increases the secretion of gonadotropins, which stimulates ovarian activity. To achieve the purpose of multiple ovulation. With the gradual extension of the illumination time, the ewe’s ovarian activity gradually weakens until it enters the tedious period.
(3) Nutritional effects Nutrition plays a decisive role in estrus estrus, mating, abortion, and survival of lambs, among which energy and protein have the greatest impact on reproduction, and minerals and vitamins cannot be ignored. The lack of energy for a long time not only affects the growth and development of lambs, but also delays sexual maturation, which shortens the effective breeding period of a lifetime. If the long-term energy of the adult ewes is insufficient, it will cause a quiet estrus and delay the timing of breeding. Raising the energy level before mating can increase the number of ovulation and double lambs of the ewes, which is particularly evident in low-level raised ewes. The lack of protein not only affects the estrus, conception, or pregnancy of the sheep, but also causes the sheep to lose weight, loss of appetite, and insufficient energy intake, thus affecting the health and reproduction of the sheep. Mineral phosphorus has a greater impact on fecundity. Phosphorus deficiency can cause ovarian dysfunction, postponing the onset of puberty, adult ewes can cause estrus symptoms is not obvious, the estrus interval is irregular, and ultimately led to a complete cessation of heat. Vitamin A is closely related to the breeding of ewes. Vitamin A deficiency can cause miscarriage, weak fetuses, stillbirths, and retention of placenta.
(4) Impact of management Scientific feeding and management can meet the needs of sheep's growth, development, production, reproduction, nutrition, and hygiene. Reasonable grazing, feeding, sports, training, information, sheep health and mating systems and a series of management measures all have a certain influence on the fecundity of the sheep. On the contrary, poor management will reduce the fertility of the sheep and cause infertility.
(5) Effects of breeding techniques When males and females are not properly matched at the time of free mating (1:25 is appropriate), they are overutilized when artificially assisted in mating, missed the estrus period, and the discomfort of saucers; artificial insemination, The operating skills of frozen semen, and the improper management of breeding rams, can affect fecundity.
(6) Influence of age The ewes are strong, have more lambs, and have better physiques. Ewes generally have the highest fertility at 3-6 years, and the proportion of twin lambs and triple lambs is also high.
2. Measures to increase fertility
(1) Strengthen Feeding Management Strengthening the husbandry and management of the flock, improving the nutritional status and living environment, and maintaining appropriate degrees of fitness are the basis for guaranteeing the normal breeding of the flock. Doing good work all year round can not only make the ewes estrous but also increase the number of ovulation. Short-term superior feeding before mating can increase the lambing rate. The nutritional level of the rams also affected the conception rate and lambing rate of the ewes, the birth weight of the lambs and the weight of the weaned animals. Feeding rams with full-priced nutrient feeds results in high fetal fertility rates and lambing rates, as well as lamb birth weight and weaning weight.
(2) The number of litters raised by selective breeding ewes is affected by heredity. Therefore, the use of males and females with high fertility for breeding can significantly increase the lambing rate of herds. The rams should be selected from the progeny of prolific ewes, and they are required to have a healthy body, obvious male characteristics, and good semen quality. The ewes should pay particular attention to the selection of the offspring of the multiple-leaf sheep and require both the lactating and the lactating properties of the ewes. In the former Soviet Union, the Luomanno Yanfu goats were selected for multiple-species selection trials. The average yield rate of single-born ewes at birth was 217%, that of double lambs was 236%, and that of triple lambs was 263%. Four lambs are 301% ewe. It is important to note that the selection of breeders can greatly increase the fecundity of the flock.
(3) Changing the irrational herd structure China's sheep-raising areas, especially in pastoral areas, have always been at an unreasonable state. The proportion of reproductive ewes is low, and the proportion of mutton sheep is high, which is not conducive to the expansion of the sheep, and the herds multiply slowly. Low economic efficiency.
The structure of the flock differs depending on the direction of its production. According to the inventory at the end of the year, mutton sheep can be 70% of the ewes; wool and sheep should be 60%-70%; wool sheep should be 50%-60%.
(4) The breeding rate of using multi-product breeder sheep is highly hereditary. Therefore, it is an effective way to increase fecundity by following the introduction of multi-product breeder blood and breeding with poor reproductive performance. The Zichang Spring Sheep Breeding Farm in Xinjiang, introduced hybrid sheep from Xinjiang through the introduction of Huyang sheep, and cultivated multi-feather fine-wool sheep by 60%-70%. In Inner Mongolia, the introduction of small-tailed Han sheep and Mongolian sheep, the breeding rate of the hybrid offspring increased nearly 1 times. This shows that the introduction of multiple birth genes can fundamentally improve the fecundity of practical measures.
(5) Application of new propagation techniques
1 induced estrus technology induced estrus is artificially caused by estrus. During the ecstatic period of the finger ewe, the exogenous hormones cause normal estrus and breeding, shorten the breeding cycle of the ewe, change the seasonal estrus breeding for the whole year breeding, and implement intensive lamb production, reaching 1 year 2 production or 2 years 3 production, improve the breeding ability of ewe.
Gonadotropins can cause ovulation during estrus. For example, if the progesterone is injected to the ewes for 12-16 consecutive days, each time 10-12 mg, and then one-to-one injection of 750-1000 IU of maternal serum-promoting sex hormone (PMSG) within 1-2 days, it can cause ovulation to the ewes. Injection of estrogen can also cause estrus in the estrous period, but not ovulation. In contrast, administration of quarter horse serum gonadotropin and human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) can cause ovulation, but uncertain estrus symptoms. In order for the ewes to have both estrus and ovulation, gonadotropins must be repeated every 16-17 days, or in combination with progesterone, which can result in a normal estrus cycle. In addition, the use of chlorophenol (10-15 mg each) also has the effect of promoting ovulation in oestrus.
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Black Garlic Powder is extracted from black garlic, it can be used in the production of black garlic cookies, capsule, baked goods, etc.
Black Garlic Production Process
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Black Garlic Powder
Black Garlic Powder,Organic Black Garlic Powder,Pure Black Garlic Powder,Black Garlic Extract Powder
Zhucheng Tongxi Commercial And Trade Co.,Ltd. ,