Medical technology innovation: Asia has the opportunity to lead Europe and America

Imaging technology is currently the largest market share in the overall medical technology market; the MedTech 2020 report points out that Asian countries will take the lead in this technology field beyond Europe and the United States. But in any case, medical technology will continue to lead innovation, the most active of which is telemedicine technology; in this regard Europe will lead North America, while Asian countries will follow.

As the field of medical care continues to digitize, other innovative technologies and new applications will be born, such as regenerative medicine, prosthetics, and active implants. As for the in-vitro diagnostics technology, including lab-on-a-chip, the United States will also be behind Europe, and Asia has room for improvement. Other areas of growth potential include minimally invasive surgery and endoscopic equipment.

There are many innovations in the field of medical technology, among which computer technology clearly plays the most important role; information and communication technology, microelectronics and materials science, and optical technology are of secondary importance. Wolfgang Schlegel, head of medical physics at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), expects that these medical technology innovations will further subdivide the medical industry value chain.

For example, computer simulation, planning, and optimization of treatment methods will create additional links between diagnostic and therapeutic procedures; thus treatments will be innovative due to minimally invasive surgery, as well as new proton and heavy ion radiation. The radiation therapy was improved. In addition, telemedicine technology will also greatly expand the industrial value chain.

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