The point of site selection
The site selection involves many aspects, including area, topography, water sources, epidemic prevention, transportation, power supply, sewage discharge and environmental protection. The basic points include:
Area and topography should take into account production, management, and living areas, and leave room for planning the area required for construction. The terrain should be high dry, the groundwater level is low, and the soil permeability is good. To be conducive to ventilation, avoid building large swine factories into the mountain nests, otherwise the dirty air will not drain away, and the air environment in the entire area will be bad all year round.
The distance between the major traffic trunk roads and railways should be as far as possible, at least 2 kilometers away from the residential areas. It is necessary to consider not only the pig farm itself from epidemic prevention, but also the influence of the farm on the residential areas. There must also be a certain distance between the farm and other pastures.
Traffic should not only avoid the main roads of the traffic, but also be convenient because of the large amount of transportation of feed, pig products and materials.
The power supply is close to the power supply, saving power transmission and transformation expenses. Power supply stability, less power outages.
The water source is planned for exploration before the pig farm, and the water source is a prerequisite for selecting the site. First, the water source should be sufficient, including water for people and livestock. The second is that the water quality must meet drinking water standards.
Sewage and Environment The pig farms are surrounded by farmland and orchards and are easy to free flow. It is ideal to consume most or all of the manure water on site. Otherwise, sewage disposal and environmental protection need to be planned as important issues, in particular, groundwater, groundwater, and rivers must not be polluted.
General layout of pig farm
In the overall layout of the farm, the first is to consider the buildings that need to be built, and the second is to adjust according to the actual geographical environment, especially some farms where the terrain is not very flat. In general, the overall layout of a large-scale pig farm should include at least a production area, an auxiliary production area, and a management and living area.
Production areas include a variety of pig houses, loading and unloading pig ramps, disinfection rooms (changing, bathing, disinfection), disinfection tanks, pharmacies, veterinary rooms, dead pig handling rooms, pig outings, maintenance and warehouses, duty rooms, isolation rooms, Excrement disposal area.
The auxiliary production areas include feed mills and warehouses, water towers, wells, boiler rooms, substations, garages, slaughtering and processing plants, and repair plants.
Management and living areas include offices, canteens, and staff quarters. The management and living areas should be built on high places and upwinds, and the production auxiliary areas should be arranged according to favorable prevention and epidemic prevention and in coordination with the production areas. At the beginning of construction, we must also consider the arrangement of some entertainment facilities to provide employees with more choices in their business life.
Among these points, the pig farm production area is arranged in the downwind or sidewind direction of the life management area according to the dominant summer wind direction. The sewage manure treatment facilities and the dead pig incinerator are located in the downwind or crosswind direction of the production area according to the summer dominant wind direction. Each area is isolated by a green belt or wall. There are fences around the production area of ​​the pig farms, duty rooms at the gate entrances and exits, staff dressing and disinfection rooms, vehicle disinfection channels and loading and unloading pig ramps. The direction of the pig house is generally north-south, north-south eastward or westward not more than 30 degrees, and the vertical axis of the pig house is maintained at an angle of 30 to 60 degrees with the local prevailing wind direction. The distance between pig houses is generally 7 to 9 meters. The order of the houses is breeding pig house, gestation house, childbearing house, farm house, bred house and finishing house. The clean road and the pollution road in the site are separated and separated by green belts.
General outline of the pig house
The characteristics of production management in pig farms are streamlined operations that are “all in and outâ€. Therefore, the pig house needs to be planned according to the production management process. The overall planning steps of a pig house are: First, determine the number of various types of pig stalls according to the production management process, then calculate the number of pig houses of various types, and finally complete the layout of various types of pig houses.
The calculation of the required quantity of various types of pigsheds is different from that of production and management processes, and the number of pigs of various types is different. Therefore, according to the plan of 100 sow farms in Taiwan by Mr. Luo Xinghua (1989), the pig farms for other scales and production management processes can be used for planning reference. Calculating the number of pigpen required for a 100 sow pig farm first determines 10 process principles and indicators:
1 The sows produce 2 litters per year, and each litter weaned and reared 10 piglets. 2 sows from the wean to return to estrus for 2l days. 3 The sow's gestation period was 114 days and was transferred to the farrowing nursery 4 days before the farrowing. Therefore, the sow's gestation period was only 110 days in the gestation sow. 4 Sows In the last 4 days of gestation period at the feeding nursery. 5 Piglets were weaned for 28 days, ie the sows were in the feeding nursery for 28 days. 6 Nursery pigs are raised from 28 days to 56 days, which also takes 28 days. 7 Nursery pigs leave the nursery and the body weight is assumed to be 14 kg. 8 The hog sales weight is assumed to be 95 kg. 9 Each batch of pigs left one stage of the pen and the next group of pigs entered the same pen, and they were separated by 5 days for cleaning and disinfection. 10 The number of pork stalls in each phase is 10% more than the calculated number, which means that the number obtained is multiplied by 1.1 times.
After obtaining the number of pig stalls for each type of pig house, the size of each type of pig house can be calculated according to the specifications of the various pig stalls and the specifications of the excrement ditch, aisle, and breeder duty room. The number of ridges needed.
According to the production process, all kinds of pig houses are laid out in the production area. For ease of management and shortening the distance of transfer, the branch house should be the center. The nursery house should be close to the branch house, the young pig house should be close to the nursery house, the pig house should be next to the young pig house, and the pregnant (sowing) house should be close to the branch house. There is no standard for the spacing between pig houses, and the need for fire prevention, carriage and ventilation must be taken into consideration, and the specific site (10-20 m) should be determined.
Other planning points
There are many details in the planning and construction. Here are two simple points: First, the internal planning of the pig house. The internal planning of a pig house needs to be decided according to the production process. It is very complicated to build a large-scale pig farm. There are many details involved in the layout and equipment of the pig house. It is necessary to examine more than a few homes, learn from each other, make comprehensive analysis, and then make detailed design requirements. The second is the green points in the field. The greening of the farm area should be combined with the need for isolation, shade, and wind protection between the farm area and the pig house. According to local conditions, trees and flowers that can beautify the environment and purify the air can be planted. Trees should be selected from tall deciduous trees. The green coverage of the field area shall not be less than 30%.
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