Guanzhong is a terrestrial fern. The rhizome is stout and upright, with leaves clumping, leathery, a pinnate, compound pinnate. The pinnacle is sickle-shaped and lanceolate. The edge is serrated, and the petiole is elongated and densely covered with brown hair. It is rough. In the elegant style, it is full of coarse and fine charm. It is often cultivated by potted plants for potted plants. There are also the whole pot plants, such as GuanZhi.
Guanzhong is distributed in most parts of China. It is also found in Japan and North Korea. It is often found in places like Linxiagou, wall roots, etc. It enjoys warm, moist and sunny places. It is hardy and drought-tolerant. It does not require strict soil requirements. It is suitable for growing in loose and draining calcareous soil.
Guanzhong commonly used spores breeding, but also ramets. For potted plants, the pots were depotted before the spring sprouting, the underground rhizomes were divided into several sections, and the pots were placed in the damp and wet place. After the new roots were grown, they were harvested and sowed in the disinfected calcareous matrix. Glass moisturizes, and gametophytes appear in about 50 days. The seedlings should be planted in a timely manner, and the management of water and fertilizers should be strengthened to accelerate its growth.
Guanzhong potted plants should use 2 parts of rotted leaves, 1 part of broken bricks or sand, and a small amount of hydrated lime to make the matrix. According to the size of the pot, a pot of 1-3 bushes, so that the pot full, will not affect the plant due to loose plant. In the spring and fall, half shades should be placed. In summer, they should be placed in some shaded areas with some scattered light and avoid direct sunlight. The water should be sufficient, not to make the soil dry, and can often spray water and humidification, so that it is beneficial to growth, and often maintain the foliage bright, otherwise it will cause the blade to scorch due to drying. In the growing season, 1-2 liquid fertilizers or slow-release fertilizers can be applied every month.
In winter, in the open field, it will not freeze to death, but the leaves will be brown. In the spring of the year, the old leaves will be trimmed to be withered. After the new one is sent out, the yellow leaves will be cut off. If the basin is more crowded and the ventilation is affected, the leaves should be changed. Large basin.
The original plant, Pleurotus ferrugineus, is a terrestrial plant with a plant height of 1 to 2 meters; the rhizome is erect, thick, and woody, densely covered by linear, dark brown, shiny scales. Leaves clustered, petiole hard, up to 40 cm, base densely covered with scales; leaf blade pinnate, outline ovate-lanceolate, up to 1 meter in length or over, leafy shaft thick, stalk color, no hair; Pinnae many, alternate, sessile, subleathery, narrowly linear, 16 to 22 cm long, apical caudate acuminate, margin entire or slightly undulate; veins numerous and dense, parallel stretched, slender, simple or Fork points, but separate from each other without joining. The sporocysts are linear, continuous and uninterrupted. They are located on both sides of the rachis. The caps are linear, rigid, and open toward the rachis; the sporangia are stalked, the loops usually have 20 thickened cells; the spores are bilateral, kidneys. Shaped or nearly spherical.
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