Broiler factory prices in various regions in China in December

Broiler factory prices in various regions in China in December Broiler factory price monitoring in various regions of China:


Jiangsu Province Liaoning Province Henan Province Heilongjiang Province

2012-12-18 2.401 2.439 2.338

2012-12-11 3.476 3.233 3.184

2012-12-4 2.901 2.961 2.638 According to monitoring, the factory price of broiler seedlings in Jiangsu was 2.401 yuan/kg last week, and the price was down.

The price of broiler seedlings in Liaoning was 2.439 yuan/kg, and the price rose

The price of broiler seedlings in Henan was 2.338 yuan/kg, and the price rose

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